Spiritual Things

Today is the Sabbath of our Lord. I missed church once again..not intentionally mind you. I have been struggling with some physical ailments that cause swelling of my face, extreme fatigue and hives. I have a blood test result coming to find out if my thyroid or liver are needing attention.

I am feeling dead...spiritually. I hate this feeling. It seems to be happening lately....alot. If I read my bible and study my quarterly I feel rejuvenated. Lately it's been a struggle even to get that far though.

 "I am not abandoning my faith" I tell myself, I am tired, and sick, and I can't let this guilt set in....Guilt...why do I have it, when there is a good reason for me to stay home today....I feel like a school girl playing hooky for some reason. It is interesting that my bible study for the next week is about Relationships. I think I will get out my bible and blanket and study right now....I'll let you know what I learned.

It's the end of the day, sun is setting, another Sabbath closing. As I sit here I want to say that my mood is much better. I ended up reading some Christian Literature and benefited greatly! I even got into my Bible and learned a few more things......I'd like to share them:

An article called "God Showed Up" by Dick Duerksen was about extreme grace. The author discusses creation and all that went into it. He magnifies the Lord by showing us how God smiles at us through nature and each other. In Mathtew 5:16, the author points out that this verse really says that Jesus give us our job: To be light, to each other..." bring out the God-colors of the world" Grace, he says is "...simply Jesus in me the hope of Glory"...When we accept Jesus into our lives, he does the work. He "fills us up with Himself" then places us in high places where His light can shine through us, smiling at people we meet everyday .... through us. He does this so that we don't take account and credit ourselves ...He changes us, this is his transforming Grace. When we do good to others it is God who is doing it not ourselves....when others do good to us it is God speaking through them....when we see others doing good towards others we see God at work in their lives......without Him...we can do nothing, yet he loves us and all we need to do is ask.....today I was in a lazy mood. That was me...not Him...when I wrote the blog this morning deciding to get myself out of the mood, that was part me and a huge part of God...helping me to come to him.....without Him there is no light.....

The author of this piece ended it by saying: God's transforming Grace is simply the Creator's First Day light glowing in us!!!! He  "showed up," and has kept his promise to stay.....because I asked him too, he showed up for me today. ..''

One last thought...from a distance when you see believers in Christ raise their hands over their heads and press them together, they form a flame with their body....we are all flames ready to be lit for the Lord...if we would only ask.

Some quotes: Without His light? Nothing. With His light? Everything.


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