Change-it leaves its permanent mark on us and we are never the same.

Reading FB comments about the change in our profile pages reminded me about how much we don't like Change. In years past, I always thought of myself as a "Change Agent" and prided myself in being flexible, yet the last two years have been excruciatingly painful, because I lost two wonderful people; my (in-laws) to cancer and old-age. These major changes in my life are supposed to be painful and they were, and are still painful. In 2008, my daughter was married. Seeing her all grown up and starting a new life with someone she loves was bittersweet. The change then was a happy one and yet slightly painful because I had to let go of the "little girl" I raised. Even with a happy experience, change can still be hard to take. My son graduated from High School and left home in 2006. It was hard to see him go, yet I was happy to see him make a positive move that would help him grow into a responsible man. Things with my children changed so drastically, even when I saw it coming it wasn't real to me until it happened. I cannot get over the emotion I had during those experiences. Sometimes I look in the mirror and don't dislike what I see, but wish for those times I had with my in-laws and my children. I want them back and feel sad.

Is this why we don't like change? Because change is permanent? When you break something, you can repair it, but even so it will never look like it was originally....the glory it once had is gone.  Memories are good to have when you go through any change, I think memories make the change less harsh to take, if the change isn't pleasant. At the same time, memories also keep you from embracing the change, so resistance sets in and we make it harder on ourselves to finish the cycle of change. I think that is where the term "Resistance is futile" comes from. No matter what you do or try to do, the world keeps changing with or without you. You only have your memories and experience to remind you of what once was, and they allow you to pick up from where you left off and start all over again. Starting over isn't so bad after a change, it's like writing this piece in my blog. I can erase what I wrote and put a different thought in, correct a spelling, or just leave what I am doing and finish it later. The work will always be there I just regulate when I get it done.....that makes me think too that change also breeds procrastination. Procrastination happens when you don't want to change anymore. I think it is interesting how many of us (myself esp) want things to be the way they are even though the change has happened! I just realized now that Resistance and Procrastination are related to each other...fancy that! 


  1. I've been thinking about change recently too. I'm glad you posted this. I've been thinking about music and movies specifically; how I used to enjoy a movie for what it's worth. I never paid attention to such things as "being original" or character development or believable story lines. I would just sit back, watch The Lion King, and sing along to the songs. The more I grow up, the more I notice things I wish I didn't notice. The change in myself has been one of the most difficult to adjust to.

    1. Hello Reese, it's been a few years! I am going through my computer and old sites and realized this is still active! Wow amazing, and this one blog is about change. Talk about perfect timing!!! Anyway I hope you are well and feel like writing back. I notice you are the only one responding to my posts, probably because back then I don't think I really knew how to make this really public or I was afraid to post my thoughts. In any case, I sure hope you are well and happy!!!


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